CalEITC4Me is a public-private campaign focused on the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) and orchestrated by the anti-poverty nonprofit Golden State Opportunity. Proven to be among the most effective anti-poverty mechanisms, the EITC is consistently underutilized. Every year low-income Californians leave more than $2 billion dollars in state and federal EITC unclaimed. At the same time, the EITC is shown to disrupt generational cycles of poverty and improve health outcomes, particularly for single parents and their children.

A groundbreaking campaign, CalEITC4Me utilizes innovative digital outreach and storytelling, grassroots organizing, comprehensive media strategy, public advocacy, and mobile messaging to educate and empower low-income workers around the CalEITC.

Community Partners:

Neighborhoods, and the people and organizations within them, are at the center of our effort. CalEITC4Me is working on a daily basis hand-in-hand with trusted community partners who serve and interact with those most likely to be eligible for the CalEITC, in order to conduct effective outreach and connect workers with free tax preparation services near where they live.

Innovative Online Tools:

Our CalEITC4Me Calculator is a user-friendly tool, available in multiple languages, that allows workers to determine their eligibility for the CalEITC, Young Child Tax Credit, and the federal EITC, including estimating their potential refund – all in just a few easy steps. The calculator, created for California by Intuit Financial Freedom Foundation, will link to our Free Tax Prep Finder tool, which connects people to free tax preparation services in their neighborhoods.

A Strong, Diverse Coalition:

This statewide campaign brings together multiple state agencies and a broad coalition of local and statewide community, faith, civic, education, workforce, business, and media leaders committed to fostering economic opportunity and financial security for Californians working hard to make ends meet.